August 28th, 2022

good morning!

first of all, sorry for the lack of updates this month! i've been pretty busy with school and other things in my personal life, as well as just lacking the motivation to update it much ^^;. i do have plans for future pages and reworks of current pages, so keep your eyes out for em!

website stuff aside, i spent pretty much the entire day yesterday playing splatfest. unfortunately team rock kicked everyone's asses, but at the very least team paper won pro battles so i'll take that. i feel pretty bad for team scissors though. the new multi-battles were a great concept in the trailer but actually playing them they seem very harsh on the team in the middle. i'm at least hoping they balance it out more in the real game.

i don't really have much else to say that wouldn't be sorta redundant at this point, so that's it for now! see you next month! ^^

August 11th, 2022

finally august! or well, at least it has been.

to start off by continuing something i talked about in my entry two weeks ago, my blood test results came back last week. turns out i'm extremely vitamin-d deficient, and honestly while it wasn't quite the thing i expected i honestly can't even be surprised.

i also started going back to school earlier that week too. (and before anyone asks why i start so early, it's because my school starts whenever august starts or sometimes whenever the first monday in august is.)

going back turned out to be both better and worse than i expected. one of the friends i mentioned last time got moved to a different class, but honestly it's barely a huge difference since we probably wouldn't have even been able to talk in there anyways cause of assigned seats :/ some of our classes are very close to each other though so things aren't super horrible thankfully.

anyways, i'm really excited for splatoon 3 to come out next month! i've been super excited for it ever since they first revealed it, and the new direct upped my excitement about five times as much. there's so much i wanna say about it that i feel like this entry would go on forever and forever so i'll just leave it at i can't wait for the new game! ^^

(P.S. i will be joining team paper this splatfest and totally not because of a certain witch...)

July 28th, 2022

looks like summer's almost over already. well, not the season, but in terms of going back to school. this summer felt really good, but it also felt way too short, even though thats pretty much the usual for me.

i decided to go back to school in person this year. at first i was very nervous just thinking about it, but now to be honest i'm pretty excited. i got classes with a few of my friends. though, it's only two of my classes (and technically one of them isn't even a class cause it's lunch), i'm pretty glad i got in a class with at least one of my friends since my school is so big that it's pretty difficult to get classes with your friends.

aside from all the back-to-school stuff, i have had a few other things going on. to start, the new cat has been adapting to our house well! we also decided to call her mocha. i just came up with it cause it was a simple and cute name for a brown tabby, but my mom thought it was the best name in the world because of how sweet she is as well as how much my mom loves coffee.

anyways, back on point, during mocha's first few days inside, she mainly just hid under the bed in the room we prepared for her, but now she's starting to go out more! she's even started to interact with our other cat, napa. they seem to not mind each other in their first few days of interacting, but it's definitely going to take some time for them to really be friends, since mocha's still not quite used to being indoors.

i also got lab tests done earlier this week. i still have yet to recieve the results since they're most likely coming next week, but in terms of the process, i think it went well! all i really have to say about it is that i hope i can recieve my results very soon!

also one last note before i finish this entry up, but sorry for not really adding last week's entry to the right page. i accidentally mixed up the main journal page and the actual page for this month, but it should be fixed now!

also, thank you for getting this site up to 250 views already! it's probably small compared to the much bigger sites around here, but i appreciate any milestones i get on here. i hope you all are enjoying the site! and if you're reading this before july ends, have a great rest of the month! ^^

July 21st, 2022

my mom took the stray cat back to the vet today. we recieved both good and bad news, but mostly good ones!

to start with the good news, she does not have any health issues, which means we can now safely bring her inside! we've prepared her own room for her since she's not socialized with our other cat, and also because of the other good news: she's expecting kittens! we're not exactly sure how many she'll have since she's only four weeks pregnant, but the vet told my mom she's at least got two so far!

while i'm excited to see the kittens by next month, i'm still very worried for her and the kittens cause she's still quite young. she's approximately eight or nine months old, but that's still not even an adult in cat years yet. i'm also slightly worried about her weight because she was quite skinny when we first found her, but with how much she's been eating the food we've been giving her for the past week, i can't deny that she's gained weight just from that either.

the only other bad news we have is that she had a lot of fleas, which was certainly from being outside in the dead middle of summer. the vet is giving her a bath though, so that issue will be gone soon!

there's not really much else to do now other than wait for the kittens to arrive and eventually socialize her with my other cat. i hope she and her kittens turn out fine, and i hope she gets along with my other cat!

July 15th, 2022

i finally finished the journal page! ^^

there's a good bit of things that have happened in the past week or so that i've started to brainstorm what to eventually write here.

first of all, my new glasses arrived this sunday! i've been needing them for a while cause my old ones were two years old and tbh i could've took care of them better, especially since my vision in my left eye actually got worse. that's my own fault though cause i really should've taken care of them better and worn them more (especially while i'm at my computer), but at the very least the new ones look cooler.

i also got to see my friends the day after that. not really much to say besides we had a lot of fun there and i regret not eating more of the food we had for my friend's birthday (though maybe not eating too much was better cause my stomach isn't that strong).

nothing really happened on tuesday, but the day later my mom found a cat in the bushes of our front yard. we're not 100% sure if she's a stray or someone's missing cat or not, but i'm sort of convinced she is a stray cause we've had three people already come here and verify that it wasn't their cat, and today we just found out for sure she wasn't microchipped.

if she's still here by thursday, we're going to take her to the vet again to see if she has any health problems. from what i've seen she seems pretty healthy aside from being skinny, though i'm not an expert.

if she's 100% a stray, then i really wish i could take her home, but unfortunately we don't have the money to afford another cat, and i'm not sure how my own cat would react to having a new little sister, or if she's even healthy enough to be around him. for now, i'm just praying she's truly healthy and can eventually find a good owner.

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